Create a Character
Win the Game
Defeat an Enemy
Buy the Most Expensive Item
Have 500 gold
Reach to level 10
Reach to level 20
Buy Purple Gin
Reach Room 100
Welcome to the Online Community made RPG
Select your Character

Community RPG is a game in which you play through a selection of rooms created by the community. Your progress is saved automatically and can be retrieved at anytime by using the same browser up to a period of 1 month(cookies).

To start with you will need to create a character to do this close the help window and select the name, gender, class, childhood and adulthood. You can automatically import these from your previous character by pressing the previous button. Each of these aspects has a different effect on the stats of your character. The stats of your character are randomized however by selecting options such as class they can be weighted towards certain areas. Health has a regeneration limit, depending on your which options you choose. By default you will receive 1-10 in each area and 10 gold

Male: 1-3 Strength
Female: 1-6 Agility
Knight: 5-10 Strength
Archer: 5-20 Agility
Mage: 20-30 Health
Alchemist: (-)2-5 Health, 10-20 Agility, 5-10 Gold
Gunner: (-)5-10 Agility, 5-10 Strength
Chemist: (-)3-8 Health, 10-25 Agility
Professor: 5-10 Strength, 5-10 Agility, 5-10 Health, 5-10 Gold
Child Slave: 3-6 Strength
Thieving Outcast: 3-12 Agility
Royal Baby: 5-10 Health, 10-25 Gold
Squire: 3-12 Strength, 3-6 Agility
Mage's Apprentice: 5-15 Health, 3-6 Agility
Student: 2-4 Strength, 2-4 Agility, 2-8 Health, 2-8 Gold
Scout: (-)3-4 Strength, 10-20 Agility
Farm Oaf: 3-6 Strength
Assassin: 3-12 Agility
Prince: 5-10 Health, 10-25 Gold
Drunkard: (-)3-6 Agility, 3-10 Strength
Freelancer: 3-4 Strength, 5-10 Gold
Hunter: 3-4 Strength, 3-8 Agility
Trader: (-)2-3 Strength, (-)2-3 Agility, 10-35 Gold

The main aim of the game is to get to room 100, at which point you will be confronted with a boss. To be able to get to room 100 you need to go through several rooms which are created by the community. As you go you will be attacked randomly by enemies and gain xp which is used automatically to increase one of your levels. It is possible that you will be attacked by the boss at any point and killing him will win you the game.

By completing quests you unlock more options for your character. At 40% you unlock: Alchemist, Gunner, Squire, Mages Apprentice, Drunked, Freelancer. At 80% you unlock: Chemist, Professor, Student, Scout, Hunter, Trader.

Every time you go to a room you will have a 1 in 3 chance of being attacked by an enemy. You have 3 options when attacked, to attack, use an item, flee. If you attack then the damage you do will be determined on you strength and the opponents agility.

It is calculated by ((100-enemy agility) * 100) * strength, this is also the same for the enemy. So if you had an attack of 15 and the enemy had an agility of 25 you would deal 11.25 damage.

If you flee in a battle then the enemy attacked you once before you continue on to the room. You can use items that you have bought in battle. If you die in a battle (health<0) then you will receive you score and restart. The score is calculated based on your xp points and level.

Every time you go to a room you will have a 1 in 5 chance of visiting a shop. At a shop you can buy items to assist you in attacking enemies. There are six categories: health up, health down, strength up, agility up, enemy health down, enemy agility down.

When you get to a room that has not yet been created, you will have the option to create it. You will need to enter the text that the room will display as well as the 3 options. Profanity is filtered. It is possible to click on the option button to be able to see where the room will be linked to, and it can be changed by pressing the change button. If you do not want to create a room you can return to the first room by pressing the back button. Note: a small explanation mark will appear if a room links to another.

If you come across a room which you feel should be removed then click the red flag icon. You will then be prompted to enter an email address as well as your complaint. Be aware a room is not taken down immediately and could take up to a week.

Male Female
Class Childhood Adulthood
Knight Royal Baby Prince
Archer Child Slave Farm Oaf
Mage Thieving Outcast Assassin

Male Female
Class Childhood Adulthood
Knight Royal Baby Prince
Archer Child Slave Farm Oaf
Mage Thieving Outcast Assassin
Alchemist Squire Drunkard
Gunner Mage's Apprentice Freelancer

Male Female
Class Childhood Adulthood
Knight Royal Baby Prince
Archer Child Slave Farm Oaf
Mage Thieving Outcast Assassin
Alchemist Squire Drunkard
Gunner Mage's Apprentice Freelancer
Chemist Student Hunter
Professor Scout Trader

Rooms: 30/100
Enemies: 49
Equipment and Items: 63

Code, Idea, Editing: Greenfrogs
Monsters: Captain Cow

Defeat the Mummy Lord
Defeat the Fire Dragon
Create a Room
Buy the Cheapest Item
Buy the Monster Slayer
Wear the Blood of a Thousand Soldiers
Counter Fear
Discover the Unknown
Be Dispised
Be Hunted

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Development Version

Last modified: August 23 2022 22:16:23.